owners manual Saab 9-5
owners manual Saab 9-5 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Saab 9 5 FL I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-5, year of production 2005 - 2009:
95_US_MY09.book Page 119 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM
Interior equipment and trunk 119
Preparations for first-time programmingthe button you wish to program while 7 At the garage door opener receiver
Before programming the garage opener for keeping the indicator light in view. The (motor-head unit) in the garage, locate
the first time, you must delete any factory transmitter should face the mirror from the "learn" or "smart" button. This can
codes. below or left side of the mirror. usually be found where the hanging
4 Simultaneously press and hold both the antenna wire is attached to the
Press and hold the two outer buttons until chosen and hand-held transmitter motor-head unit.
the indicator light begins to flash-after buttons. Do not release the buttons 8 Firmly press and release the "learn" or
20 seconds. Release both buttons. Do not until step 5 has been completed."smart" button. (The name and color of
hold for longer that 30 seconds. The garage the button may vary by manufacturer.)
opener is now in the train (or learning) mode Note: Some gate operators and garage
and can be programmed at any time begin-door openers may require you to replace Note: There are 30 seconds in which to ini-
ning with "Programming" - step 2. this Programming Step 4 with procedures tiate step nine.
noted in the "Gate Operator / Canadian Pro-9 Return to the vehicle and firmly press,
Programming gramming" section. hold for two seconds and release the
The garage opener can record and store the 5 After the indicator light changes from a programmed button. Repeat the
frequencies of three different remote con-slow to a rapidly blinking light, release "press/hold/release" sequence a
trols. both the mirror and hand-held transmit-second time, and, depending on the
The battery in the remote control should be ter buttons. brand of the garage door opener (or
fairly new for programming to work well.6 Press and hold the just-trained button other rolling code equipped device),
and observe the indicator light. repeat this sequence a third time to
Do not repeat "Progr amming" - step two If the indicator light stays on complete the programming process.
to train additional devices to a second or constantly, programming is complete The garage opener should now activate
third button. Begin with "Programming" - and your device should activate when your rolling code equipped device.
step three. the button is pressed and released.Note: To program the remaining two but-
1 Turn the ignition ON. Note: To program the remaining two but-tons, begin with "Programming" - step
2 Press and hold the two outer buttons tons, begin with "Programming" - step three. Do not repeat step two.
(buttons one and three) - releasing only three. Do not repeat step two .
when the indicator light begins to flash If the indicator light blinks rapidly for two
(after 20 seconds). Do not hold the seconds and then turns to a constant
buttons for longer than 30 seconds and light continue with "Programming"
do not repeat step two to program a steps 7-9 to complete the programming of
second and/or third hand-held transmit-a rolling code equipped device (most com-
ter to the remaining two buttons.monly a garage door opener).
3 Position the end of your hand-held trans-
mitter 1-3 inches (5-14 cm) away from

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year of production from: 2005

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