owners manual Citroen C4
owners manual Citroen C4 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4, year of production 2004 - 2010:
Press the brake pedal. To exit position P , move the se-
Operate the starter. lector to the right and then to the A utomatic operation
When the engine is running, position you want.
place the selector on R , D or M Only engage this position when
as required. the vehicle is completely sta- Move the selector to position D .
Check, in the instrument panel, tionary. In this position, the front The gearbox constantly selects
the position engaged. wheels are locked. Make sure the gear that is best suited to the
Gradually release the brake ped-that the selector is correctly posi-following conditions:
al and accelerate. tioned. - driving style,
To avoid a difference between - road profi le,
the position of the selector and R everse gear - vehicle load.
the actual position of the gear- The gearbox is then operating in
box, only exit from position P auto-adaptive mode, without re-
with the ignition on and the brake quiring any action on your part.
pedal pressed. Only engage this position when For certain manoeuvres (for exam-
Otherwise, when the ignition is on or the vehicle is stationary. To prevent ple overtaking), you can obtain maxi-
the engine is running: snatching, do not accelerate too mum acceleration by pressing the
soon after selection. accelerator pedal down hard, which
reposition the selector in position P , then produces an automatic change
put your foot on the brake pedal down to a lower gear.
and then select the gear you N eutral When braking, the gearbox may
want. change down automatically in order
to provide effective engine braking.
IX Never select position N if the vehicle If you lift your foot off the accelera-
is moving. tor abruptly, the gearbox will not
change up.
Pa rk
N ever select positions P or
This position of the selector is used R if the vehicle is not sta-
to prevent the vehicle from moving tionary.
when you are stationary. If, while the vehicle is moving, po-
To select position P, move the sition N is engaged inadvertently,
selector back to the highest po-allow the engine to idle before en-
sition (towards R ), then push it gaging position D or M .
forwards and then to the left.
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year of production from: 2004
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Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual
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Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual
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