owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Bluetooth is a wireless radio communication stan- • Yourmobilephonehasnotbeenpairedwiththe BLUETOOTH®settings
dard.Thissystemoffersahands-freefacilityforyour Bluetooth® system of the audio unit.
mobile telephone to enhance driving comfort. To setup the Bluetooth system to pair (connect or
• The mobile phone does not support Bluetooth® register) your preferred mobile phone, push the
In order to use your mobile phone with the Blue- technology (BT Core v2.0). button, select the [Bluetooth] key, and
tooth of the audio system, the mobile phone must NOTE thenpushthebutton.Itisalsopossibleto
first be setup. For details, see “BLUETOOTH® enter the setup menu directly via the <> (phone)
settings” later in this section or “BLUETOOTH® • FormodelswithNISSANConnect(Audiowith button.
settings” earlier in this section. Once it has been Navigation system) see the separately pro- The following options can be selected:
setup, the hands-free mode is automatically acti- vided Owner’s Manual.
vated on the registered mobile phone (via Blue- For details, see your mobile phone’s Owner’s • [Pair Device]
® •
tooth ) when it comes into range. Manual. Bluetooth mobile phones can be paired with the
Anotification messageappearsontheaudiodisplay • For assistance with your mobile phone inte- system. A maximum of 5 Bluetooth mobile
when the phone is connected, when an incoming gration, please visit your local NISSAN dealer. phones can be registered.
call is being received, as well as when a call is initi- For details, see “FM AM radio with CD player
ated. (where fitted)” earlier in this section.
Whenacallisactive,theaudiosystem,microphone • [Select Device]
(located in the ceiling in front of the rear view mir-
ror), and steering wheel switches enable hands-free Paired Bluetooth mobile phone () are listed on
communication. the display and can be selected for connection.
If the audio system is in use at the time, the radio, For details, see “FM AM radio with CD player
CD,orAUXsourcemodewillbemutedandwillstay (where fitted)” earlier in this section.
muted until the active call has ended. • [Delete Device]
The Bluetooth® system may be not be able to con- NAA1197
nect with your mobile phone for the following rea- Aregistered Bluetooth mobile phone can be de-
sons: jA Phonebutton leted.
• The mobile phone is too far away from the ve- jB Phonebookquick search button For details, see “FM AM radio with CD player
hicle. (where fitted)” earlier in this section.
® jC (Back) button • [On/Off]
• TheBluetooth modeonyourmobilephonehas
not been activated. If this setting is turned off, the connection be-
tween the Bluetooth devices and the in-vehicle
Bluetooth module will be cancelled.
Heater and air conditioner, and audio system 4-35

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year of production from: 2006

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