owners manual Hummer H3
owners manual Hummer H3 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Hummer H3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hummer H3, year of production 2005 - 2010:
3. Press the compass/temperature button on theTo adjust the power mirrors, do the following:
bottom of the mirror until the new zone number1. Press the left side of the selector switch to choose
appears in the display. After you stop pressingthe driver side mirror. Press the right side of the
the button, the display will show a compassselector switch to choose the passenger side mirror.
direction within a few seconds.
Cleaning the Mirror 2. Use the round, four-way control pad to move
the mirror in the desired direction.
Use a paper towel or similar material dampened withIf the mirror begins making a ratcheting sound, the
glass cleaner. Do not spray glass cleaner directlymirror has reached the end of its travel and can go no
on the mirror as that may cause the liquid cleanerfarther in that direction. To stop the sound, reverse
to enter the mirror housing.the mirror direction using the control pad.
The mirrors can be manually folded inward to prevent
Outside Power Mirrors damagewhengoingthrough an automatic car wash
or confined space. Pull the mirror toward the vehicle to
The outside power mirrorfold. To return the mirror to its original position, push
controls are located onoutward. Be sure to return both mirrors to the unfolded
the driver’s door.position before driving.
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year of production from: 2005
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