owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Features of your vehicle
Automatic stop and Reverse If the automatic stop and reverse fea-How to reset the power liftgate
ture operates more than twice duringIf the battery has been discharged or
one opening or closing operation, thedisconnected, or if the related fuse
power liftgate may stop at that posi-
tion. has been replaced or disconnected,
for the power liftgate to operate nor-
If this occurs, close the liftgate man-
mally, reset the power liftgate as fol-
ually and operate the liftgate auto-
matically again. 1.Push the P(Parking) button.
2.While Pressing the liftgate close
WARNING button, press the liftgate handle
switch for more than 3 seconds.
To prevent serious injury and
damage take the following pre- (the chime will sound)
OCK047019L 3. Close the liftgate manually.
cautions when operating the
power liftgate :
If, during power opening or closing,
the liftgate is blocked by an object or- Keep all faces, hands, arms,
part of someone’s body, the power If the power liftgate does not work
body parts and other objects
liftgate will detect the resistance and properly after the above procedure,
away from the path of the
it will stop movement or move to the power liftgate. have the system checked by an
full open position to allow the object authorized Kia dealer.
to be cleared. - Do not intentionally place any
body parts or objects in the
However, if an object is thin or soft,
path of the power liftgate to
or the liftgate is near the latched
make sure the automatic stop
position, the automatic stop and
and reversal operates.
reversal may not detect the resist-
- Do not allow children to play
ance and the closing operation will
with the power liftgate.
continue. If the power liftgate is
forced by a strong impact, the auto-
matic stop and reversal may operate.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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