owners manual Mazda CX-5
owners manual Mazda CX-5 - year of production: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Mazda CX 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-5, year of production 2012 - 2017:
CX-5_8CA5-EA-11L_Edition3 Page114
Friday, June 22 2012 3:45 PM
Black plate (114,1)
Before Driving
Driving Tips
l Braking performance can be adversely qTireChains
affected if snow or ice adheres to the Check local regulations before using tire
brake components. If this situation chains.
occurs, drive the vehicle slowly,
releasing the accelerator pedal and CAUTION
lightly applying the brakes several
times until the brake performance ØChainsmayaffecthandling.
returns to normal. ØDonotgofasterthan50km/h(30
qSnowTires recommendedlimit, whichever is
Usesnowtiresonallfourwheels lower.
ØDrivecarefully and avoid bumps,
Donotgofaster than 120 km/h (75 mph) holes, and sharp turns.
while driving with snow tires. Inflate ØAvoidlocked-wheel braking.
snowtires 30 kPa (0.3 kgf/cm2, 4.3 psi) ØDonotusechainsonatemporary
more than recommended on the tire spare tire; it may result in damage
pressure label (driver's door frame), but to the vehicle and to the tire.
never more than the maximum cold-tire ØDonotusechainsonroadsthat
pressure shown on the tires. are free of snow or ice. The tires
andchains could be damaged.
Your vehicle is originally equipped with ØChainsmayscratchorchip
all season radials designed to be used all aluminumwheels.
year around. In some extreme climates NOTE
you may find it necessary to replace them
with snow tires during the winter months The tire pressure monitoring system may not
to further improve traction on snow and function correctly when using tire chains.
ice covered roads. Install the chains on the front tires only.
WARNING Donotusechains on the rear tires.
Useonlythesamesizeandtypetires Please consult an Authorized Mazda
(snow, radial, or non-radial) on all four Dealer.
wheels: Installing the chains
Using tires different in size or type is 1. Secure the chains on the front tires as
dangerous. Your vehicle's handling tightly as possible.
could be greatly affected and result Alwaysfollow the chain
in an accident. manufacturer's instructions.
CAUTION 2. Retighten the chains after driving 1/2
Check local regulations before using ―1km(1/4―1/2mile).
studded tires.
Form No.8CA5-EA-11L

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year of production from: 2012

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