owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso
owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Citroen C4 Picasso I 1 owners manual EN
pdf (13.9 MB) 355 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4 Picasso, year of production 2004 - 2013:
The visors are fi tted with a lock- C hild surveillance mirror
ing system on their central housing
when the blind is reeled in. To re-
Sl iding blinds move the visor from its central hous-
ing or to reposition it, it must be in a
vertical position.
D o not attach or suspend heavy
objects on the slide rail of the sun
TOLL CARD/CAR PARK A child surveillance mirror is fi tted
above the rear view mirror. This al-VI
Sliding blinds are provided for your TICKET WINDOWS lows you to monitor the vehicle’s
protection against bright sunlight. rear passengers, or it can facilitate
They can be adjusted manually. Facility for affi xing toll cards and/or conversation between the front and
Slide the blind to the desired po-car park tickets. rear passengers without the need to
move the rear view mirror.
sition by pushing at A . These windows are located on each
side of the base of the child surveil-It can be folded away to eliminate
lance mirror. dazzle.
They are two non-refl ective areas of
the athermic windscreen.
V isor rails
The athermic windscreen limits
heating of the passenger compart-
The blinds are extended on the sun
ment by reducing the effects of the
visor rails.
sun's rays (ultra-violet). It consists of
Fold the visor downwards, to protect
a refl ective layer, which also blocks
against dazzle to the face.
certain radio-electric signals (auto-
If dazzle is coming from the side matic toll card payments, etc.).
windows, detach the visor from its
housing above the centre of the
windscreen and pivot it to the side.
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year of production from: 2004
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citroen c4 picasso i 1 owners manual
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