owners manual Peugeot 206
owners manual Peugeot 206 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 206 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 206, year of production 1998 - 2012:
48 YOUR 206 IN DETAIL 49
On/off The RT3 GPS audio/telephone is
coded in such a way that it can op- Press button U to
With the ignition switch erate only on your vehicle. If itting access the Sound
in the accessories po-it to another vehicle, consult your Ambience, Bass,
sition or with the igni-PEUGEOT dealer for coniguration Treble, Loudness,
tion on, press button A of the system. Fader (front/rear bal-
to switch the audio The anti-theft system is automatic ance), Balance (left/
function of the RT3 and requires no action on your part.right balance) and Automatic vol-
GPS audio/telephone ume adjustment setting windows.
on or off. Exit from audio mode is automatic af-
ter a few seconds without any action,
or by pressing the "ESC" button.
Note: in the absence of an ignition Note: bass, treble and loudness set-
key, press button A to switch the tings are speciic to each source. It is
telematics system on or off. possible to have different settings for
The RT3 GPS audio/telephone can radio, CD or CD changer.
operate for 30 minutes without ADJUSTING THE VOLUME
switching the vehicle ignition on.
Notes: Turn button A clockwise to increase
- the SIM card must be removed only the volume of the audio/telephone or
after the audio/telephone has been anti-clockwise to decrease it.
switched off, Note: the volume setting is speciic
- following automatic switching off of to each source. It is possible to have
the audio/telephone after 30 minutes different settings for radio, CD or CD
it is possible to make a telephone call changer.
by pressing button D,
- after the ignition has been switched
off, the audio/telephone can be
switched on again by pressing but-
tons D, E, V or by inserting a CD in
the player.
14-06-2004 14-06-2004

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year of production from: 1998

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