owners manual Citroen C4
owners manual Citroen C4 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4, year of production 2004 - 2010:
D isplays on the instrument panel Mo ving off R everse gear
- The selector position is displayed
in the instrument panel, on the
left on multifunction screens A To start the engine, the selector En gaging reverse gear
and C and on the right on the must be in position N .
NaviDrive multifunction screen. Press fi rmly on the brake pedal. To engage reverse gear, move the
- A background-lit position grille as- selector to R .
sociated with the selector allows Operate the starter. O nly attempt to select reverse gear
you to view the position selected. When the engine is running, when the vehicle is stationary.
place the selector on R , A or M If the vehicle is moving rapidly, if an in-
as desired. advertent attempt to engage reverse
W hen the ignition is on, lighting of Check, in the instrument panel, gear is made, the warning lamp N will
IX the service warning lamp, accom-the position engaged. fl ash and your vehicle will go auto-
panied by an audible signal and Release the brake pedal and ac-matically into neutral. To re-engage a
the message "Gearbox faulty" in-celerate. gear, you have only to reposition the
dicates a malfunction. If the selector is not in position N , selector on A , M or R .
Consult a CITROËN dealer. and/or if the brake pedal is not
For safety: pressed, the corresponding warning
Position N can only be disen-lamp(s) are displayed and a mes-
gaged if you are pressing the sage informs you that at least one of
brake pedal. these two conditions is not met.
If the gearbox is in position N In this case, the engine will not start,
but the selector position is differ-recommence the above procedure.
ent, reposition the selector on N
in order to be able to start.
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year of production from: 2004
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Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual
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