Inserting a CD recorded with MP3/WMA files,Fast Forward (Cue), Fastdial for the sub folder then press
to se-
• Reverse (Review) buttons:
the audio unit will automatically detect and lect. Select the [Root] folder item when songs are
[MP3CD]will be indicated. Whenthe <> (Cue) or <> (Review) buttonrecorded additionally in the root folder.
• An error notificationmessage will beis pressed continuously, the track will be played atTo return to the previous folder screen, press
displayed when inserting a wrong disc typehigh speed. When the button is released, the track<>.
(e.g. DVD), or the player cannot read the CDwill be played at normal playing speed.Repeat button:
disc. Eject the disc and insert another disc.Track up/down buttons:
CDbutton Push the button and the current track
Pressing the <>or<>button once, thewill be played continuously.
Press the button to start playing the loadedtrack will be skipped forward to the next track orbutton:
CD. Playing starts from the track that was beingbackward to the beginning of the current played
played when the CD play mode was switched off.track. Press the <>or<>button more thanPush the button and all the tracks will
once to skip through the played in a random order.
Audio main operation Folder browsing:
List view: < /j5 > button:
If the recorded media contains folders with musicWhile a CD with recorded music information tags
While the track is being played, press either thefiles, pressing the <>or<>button will play(CD-text/ID3–text tags) is being played, the title of
or< >buttontodisplaytheavailablein sequence the tracks of each folder.the played track is displayed. If the title information
tracks in a listed view mode. To select a track fromTo select a preferred folder:is not provided then [Track] is displayed.
the list, or a track to start listening from, turn the
dialthenpress.1. Press the or<>buttonandalistWhen the button is pressed repeat-
Quick search: of tracks in the current folder is displayed.edly, further information about the track can be dis-
2. Press the <>button. played along with the track title as follows:
In the list view mode, quick search can be per- CD:
formed to find a track from the list.3. Turn the dial for the preferred
Push the button then turn the dial for the first alphabetic/numerical letter4. Press to access the folder. Presstitle→ Track time
of the track title then press . When found,againtostart playing the first track orCDwithMP3/WMA:
alist of the available tracks will be displayed. Select,turnthe dial, and pressTrack time → Artist name→ Album title→ Folder
and press to play the preferred track.toselect another→Tracktime
If the current selected folder contains sub folders,
press , a new screen with a list of sub
folders will be displayed. Turn the
4-28 Heater and air conditioner, and audio system