owners manual Peugeot 207
owners manual Peugeot 207 - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 207 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 207, year of production 2006 - 2012:
I nstrument panel displays Mo ving off Se quential mode
Select position N . After starting the vehicle, select
Press the brake pedal. position M to change to sequential
Start the engine. mode.
A UTO disappears and the gears
N appears on the instrument panel. engaged appear in succession on
the instrument panel.
N fl ashes on the instrument panel The gear change requests are only car-
ried out if the engine speed permits.
i screen if the gear lever is not in po-
sition N on starting. When driving at low speed, on ap-
proaching a stop sign or traffi c lights for
example, the gearbox changes down to
fi rst gear automatically.
G ear lever positions Select fi rst gear (position M or A ) or
N . Neutral reverse (position R )
R . Reverse Release the parking brake. A utomated mode
1 , 2, 3, 4, 5. Gears in sequential mode Take your foot off the brake pedal,
A UTO. This comes on when the au-then accelerate. Following use of the sequential
tomated mode is selected. It mode, select position A to return to
switches off on changing to se- the automated mode.
quential mode. A UTO and 1 or R appear on A UTO and the gear engaged
In the automated mode, if the gear-the instrument panel. appear on the instrument panel.
box detects poor grip, this warning
lamp comes on.
Place your foot on the The gearbox then operates in auto-
brake when this warning adaptive mode, without any action on
When stopping on a slope, do not the part of the driver. It continuously se-
lamp fl ashes (e.g.: starting i use the accelerator to immobil-lects the most suitable gear in relation
the engine). ise the vehicle; apply the parking to the following parameters:
brake. - driving style,
i There is an audible signal on en- When moving off on a slope, acce- - road conditions,
gagement of reverse. lerate gradually while releasing the - vehicle load.
parking brake.

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year of production from: 2006

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Peugeot 207 owners manual
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