owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
TATraffic announcement 3. Turn the dial clockwise or anti-Treble control:
This function operates in FM (Radio), CD or AUXclockwise,thedisplaywillappearinthefollowingUsethis control to enhance or attenuate the treble.
mode. order:
[Audio] ⇔[Clock]⇔[Bluetooth]⇔[Language]Turn the dial clockwise or anti-
• Pressing the button selects the TA mode.⇔[Scroll Direction]clockwise to adjust the treble settings then press
The TA indicator is displayed while TA mode is toconfirm.
on. After the desired levels have been set, press eitherBalance control:
• Whenispressedagain.Themodewillbethe<> (Back) button repeatedly,theUsethis control to adjust the balance of the volume
switched off and the TA indicator will disappear button, or wait for 8 seconds withoutbetween the left and right speakers.
from the display. pressing any buttons to exit the menu screen.
Display brightness (Day/Night mode)Turn the dial anticlockwise or
Traffic announcement interrupt function: clockwise to adjust the left/right balance then press
When a traffic announcement is received, the an-Press the button with a long press totoconfirm.
nouncement is tuned in and the display shows aswitch the display brightness between the daytimeFade (Fader) control:
notificationmessagewiththeradiostationnamee.g.and nighttime mode.
[TA: Radio 1]. Audio adjustments Usethis control to adjust the balance of the volume
between the front and rear (where fitted) speakers.
Oncethetrafficannouncementhasfinished,theunitPressthebuttontoenterthesetupmenuTurn the dial anticlockwise or
returns to the source that was active before the traf-screen then select [Audio].clockwisetoadjustthefront/rearbalancethenpress
fic announcement started. Eachtimethebuttonispressed,themodetoconfirm.
If is pressed during a traffic announcement,will change as follows:AUXVOL(Auxiliary volume) control:
the traffic announcement interrupt mode is can-[Bass] → [Treble] → [Balance] → [Fade] → [AUX
celled. The TA mode returns to the standby mode Usethiscontroltoadjustthevolumeoutputfromthe
and the audio unit returns to the previous source.VOL]→[SPDVOL]→setupmenuscreen[Audio]auxiliary source.
SETUPBUTTON →[Bass] Turn the dial anticlockwise or
Bass control: clockwise to select [LO], [MID], or [HI] mode then
Toconfigure Audio, Clock, Bluetooth, Language orUse this control to enhance or attenuate bass re-press to confirm.
Scroll direction settings, perform the following pro-sponse sound.
1. Press the button.Turn the dial clockwise or anti-
clockwise to adjust the bass settings then press
2. Press the button.toconfirm.
4-26 Heater and air conditioner, and audio system

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year of production from: 2006

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