owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
It is possible to lock/unlock all doors and acti- the UNLOCK button is pushed, the hazard indi-
vate the panic alarm by using the keyfob from Donot drop the keyfob.cator flashes once.
outside the vehicle. Do not strike the keyfob sharplyIf hazard indicator and horn mode is not neces-
Before locking the doors, make sure theagainst another object.sary, you can switch to hazard indicator only
key is not left in the vehicle. mode by following the switching procedure be-
Thekeyfobcanoperateatadistanceofapproxi- Do not place the keyfob for an ex-low.
mately 33 ft (10 m) from the vehicle. (Thetended period in an area where tem-In hazard indicator only mode, when the LOCK
effective distance depends upon the conditionsperatures exceed 140°F (60°C).button is pushed, the hazard indicator flashes
around the vehicle.) If a keyfob is lost or stolen, NISSANtwice. When the UNLOCK button is pushed,
As many as four keyfobs can be used with onerecommendserasingtheIDcodeofthatneither the hazard indicator nor the horn oper-
vehicle. For information concerning the purchase ates.
and use of additional keyfobs, contact yourkeyfob. This will prevent the keyfob
NISSAN dealer. from unauthorized use to unlock the(Switching procedure)
The keyfobwill not function when:vehicle. For information regarding thePressandholdtheLOCKandUNLOCKbuttons
erasing procedure, please contact anon the keyfobsimultaneously for at least 2
the battery is dead, authorized NISSAN dealer. seconds to switch from one mode to the other.
the distance between the vehicle and the Whenpushing the buttons to set hazard indica-
keyfobis over 33 ft (10 m). HOWTOUSEREMOTEKEYLESS tor only mode, the hazard indicator flashes 3
The panic alarm will not activate when theENTRY SYSTEM times.
key is in the ignition switch.Setting hazard indicator and hornWhenpushing the buttons to set hazard indica-
mode tor and horn mode, the hazard indicator flashes
CAUTION once and the horn chirps once.
This vehicle is set in hazard indicator and horn
Thefollowingconditionsoroccurrencesmode when you first receive the vehicle.
will damage the keyfob. In hazard indicator and horn mode, when the
Do not allow the keyfob to becomeLOCK button is pushed, the hazard indicator
wet. flashes twice and the horn chirps once. When
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-5

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year of production from: 1996

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Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual
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