owners manual KIA Niro
owners manual KIA Niro - year of production: 2016 - KIA Niro owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Niro, year of production 2016:
(Continued) Motor
Prolonged exposure of high Do not use an after-market bat-
voltage battery to high temper- tery charger to charge the
ature may lead to decrease in Hybrid battery. Doing so may
battery performance. result in death or serious injury.
Therefore, the heat treatment
duration for vehicle paint work
should not exceed 30 minutes WARNING - High Waters
in 70°C and 20 minutes in 80°C. Avoid high waters as this may
When cleaning the inside of the result in your vehicle becom-
engine room, high pressure ODEQ016004 ing saturated with water and
washing and applying water could compromise the high
directly can both cause short voltage components.
circuit of the high voltage.This WARNING
Do not touch the any of the
may lead to electric shock. As with all batteries, avoid fluid
high voltage components
Also, the vehicle parts, espe- contact with the Hybrid battery.
If the battery is damaged and if within your vehicle if your
cially electronic, can be dam- vehicle has been submerged
aged and result in vehicle mal-electrolyte comes in contact
with your body, clothes or eyes, in water equal to half of the
function. Always use caution vehicle height. Touching high
immediately flush with a large
when cleaning the inside of voltage components once
the engine room. quantity of fresh water.
submerged in water could
result in severe burns or elec-
tric shock that could result in
death or serious injury.

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year of production from: 2016

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KIA Niro owners manual
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KIA Niro owners manual
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