owners manual KIA Sportage
owners manual KIA Sportage - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Sportage, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Knowing your vehicle
Type A WARNING- Ignition key
➀ Leaving children unattended in
1 ➁ a vehicle with the ignition key is
dangerous even if the key is not
2 in the ignition. Children copy
adults and they could place the
key in the ignition.The ignition
3 1KMB2001 key would enable children to
Type B operate power windows or other
controls, or even make the vehi-
4 8KMA2001 cle move, which could result in
Key operations serious bodily injury or even
5 ➀ Master key death. Never leave the keys in
your vehicle with unsupervised
Used to start the engine, lock andchildren.
6 unlock the doors, lock and unlock
the glove box.
1KMB2002 ➁ Transmitter (if equipped) ✽✽ NOTICE
7 The key code number is stamped on Use only Kia original parts forthe
Used to lock and unlock the
the plate attached to the key set. ignition key in your vehicle. If an
8 Should you lose your keys, this num- doors. aftermarket key is used, the ignition
ber will enable an authorized Kia switch may not return to ON after
Dealer to duplicate the keys easily. START. If this happens, the starter
9 Remove the plate and store it in a will continue to operate causing
safe place. Also, record the code damage to the starter motor and
number and keep it in a safe and possible fire due to excessive current
handy place, but not in the vehicle. in the wiring.
3 2
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year of production from: 2002
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Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual
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Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual
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