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owners manual Subaru Impreza

owners manual Subaru Impreza - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Subaru Impreza II 2 GD owners manual EN

Document: pdf (13.81 MB) 365 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Impreza, year of production 2001 - 2007:
A1900BE-A.book Page 8 Friday, June 17, 2005 6:37 PM 8 driving. In a collision or sudden stop, unre- strained pets or cages can be thrown around inside the vehicle and hurt you orDriving at high speeds with exces- your passengers. Besides, the pets can sively low tire pressures can cause be hurt under these situations. It is also forthe tires to deform severely and to their own safety that pets should be prop-rapidly become hot. A sharp in- erly restrained in your vehicle. Restrain a crease in temperature could cause pet with a special traveling harness whichtread separation, and destruction of can be secured to the rear seat with a seatbelt or use a pet carrier which can bethe tires. The resulting loss of vehi- secured to the rear seat by routing a seat-cle control could lead to an acci- belt through the carrier’s handle. Never re-dent. strain pets or pet carriers in the front pas-„California proposition 65 senger’s seat. For further information, warning consult your veterinarian, local animal protection society or pet shop. „Tire pressures Engine exhaust, some of its constit- Check and, if necessary, adjust the pres-uents, and certain vehicle compo- sure of each tire (including the spare) at nents contain or emit chemicals least once a month and before any long journey. known to the Statof California toe cause cancer and birth defects or Check the tire pressure when the tires areother reproductive harm. In addi- cold. Use a pressure gauge to adjust thetion, certain fluids in vehicles and tire pressures to the values shown on thecertain components of product wear tire placard. contain or emit chemicals known to the State of California to cause can- Refer to the “Tires and wheels” section incer and birth defects or other repro- chapter 11 for detailed information.ductive harm.
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year of production from: 2001

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