owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
lights turn off and the disc selection buttonning. Push thebutton several times toton will select the next random selection.
turns a solid green. After all the CDs haveskip several selections. Each time the but-RANDOM- One disc random: Selections
been loaded, the CD that was loaded firstton is pushed, the CD advances one selec-from the current CD are played at random.
starts to play. tion. When the last selection on the CD isThe same program may be repeated twice.
Play/Stop button skipped, the first selection is played.Pressing thebutton will select the next
Press thebutton while a CD is play-Whenthebutton is pushed, the currentrandom selection.
ing, the CD stops playing and the CDselection returns to the beginning. Push theWhen a new CD is inserted, the play
changer turns off. Press thebuttonbutton several times to skip back sev-pattern automatically changes to the
while the CD changer is off, the last CD thateral selections. Each time the button is‘‘ALL’’ play pattern.
was loaded starts to play. Press thepushed, the CD moves back one selection.
button with no CDs loaded, the CDWhen the first selection on the CD isCDEject - Single
changer enters the One Disc Loadingskipped, the last selection is played.
Mode. Repeat Button When thebutton is pressed for less
than 1.5 seconds, then the current CD that
FF (fast forward) REVWhen thebutton is pushed while a CDis playing (or if the CD changer is off, the
(reverse) buttonsis playing, the play pattern will change aslast CD that was played) ejects. The disc
Whenthe or button is pushedfollows. indicator light starts flashing orange and
while the CD is playing, the CD plays at anALL - All disc repeat: All CDs are playedboth WAIT and the disc selection button
increased speed while fast forwarding orrepeatedly in sequence.number flash in the display until the CD is
reversing. When the button is released, theejected. When the CD is ejected, the disc
CDreturns to normal play speed.BLANK (no symbol) - One disc repeat:indicator light turns off and the display turns
The current CD is repeated.from WAIT to EJECT. When the CD is
APS (Automatic Pro-1-Onetrackrepeat:Thecurrentselectionremoved from the unit, the CD changer
gram Search) FF, APSis repeated. automatically changes to One Disc Loading
REV Mode so a new CD can be loaded into the
ALL RANDOM - All disc random: Selec-empty holder. The disc indicator light starts
When thebutton is pushed while thetions from all the CDs that are stored areflashing green and both LOAD and the disc
CD is playing, the selection following theplayed at random. The same program mayselection button number appear in the dis-
current one starts to play from the begin-be repeated twice. Pressing thebut-play until a CD is loaded. One Disc Loading
4-18 Heater, air conditioner and audio systems

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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