owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 109
Driving comfort Controls
system activated, resting your foot on the acelѪOtherwise, you could lose control of the vehiѪ
erator pedal will cause the system not to brakecle and cause an accident.◀
even if necessary. Be certain that floormats or
other objects on the vehicle floor do not interѪ
One lever for all functions
fere with movement of the acccelerator
Limits of automatic braking
While active cruise control is capable of
braking your vehicle automatically when you
approach a slower vehicle ahead, it is imporѪ
tant to be aware that the ability of the system
to apply the brakes is also limited, e.g. when
you reduce your desired speed sharply. lt uses
only a portion of braking system capacity and1 Storing and maintaining speed or accelerѪ
does not utilize the full capacity of the vehicle
braking system. Therefore, the system cannot
2 Storing and maintaining speed or decelerѪ
decrease your speed for large differences in
speed between your vehicle and the vehicle
3 Interrupting and deactivating the system
ahead. Examples: when you approach a vehicle
traveling at a much lower speed than your own4 Resuming a speed stored beforehand
speed such as approaching a toll booth or
when a much slower vehicle cuts in front of
Maintaining current speed
you at close range.◀
Push, arrow 1, or pull, arrow 2, the lever to the
resistance point.
The car's current speed is stored and mainѪ
Cruise control
tained. It is displayed on the speedometer and
briefly in the instrument cluster.
The concept
On uphill gradients, it may prove impossible to
The system is functional at speeds beginning
maintain the set speed if current engine power
at approx. 20 mph/30 km/h.
output is insufficient. If the engine braking efѪ
The speed specified using the lever on the
fect is insufficient on downhill slopes, the sysѪ
steering column is maintained.
tem will brake the vehicle slightly.
The system brakes on downhill gradients if enѪ
gine braking action is insufficient. Increasing desired speed
Repeatedly press the lever to the resistance
Do not use cruise control
point or beyond, arrow 1, until the desired
Do not use the system if unfavorable
speed is reached.
conditions make it impossible to drive at a conѪ
▷ Each time the lever is pressed to the point
stant speed, for instance:
of resistance, the desired speed increases
▷ On curvy roads.
by approx. 1 mph/1 km/h.
▷ In heavy traffic.
▷ Each time the lever is pressed beyond the
▷ On slippery roads, in fog, snow or rain, or
resistance point, the desired speed is inѪ
on a loose road surface.
creased by up to 5 mph/10 km/h.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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