owners manual Dacia Duster
owners manual Dacia Duster - year of production: 2010 - Dacia Duster owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Dacia Duster, year of production 2010:
TRANSMISSION: 4-wheel drive (4WD) (3/4)
In this case, we recommend that youElectronic stability program and Operating faults
stop as soon as possible to allow thetraction control when driving off- If the system detects an operating
system to cool down (until the warning road fault, it automatically switches to “2WD”
light stops flashing). (vehicles equipped with ESC)
Cooling may take up to five minutes. mode, and the ‘ and Ò war-
When driving on soft ground (sand,
If the system detects excessive whee- ning lights come on.
mud, deep snow), we recommend that
lspin on the front wheels, it adapts the
you deactivate the ESC function by
Drive as soon as possible at a mode-
engine to run in a way that reduces
wheelspin. pressing the “ ESC” switch.rate speed to an approved dealer.
In this case, only individual wheel bra-
For certain operating faults, the system
Anti-lock braking in “LOCK” mode king remains active. This function ap-
(vehicles equipped with ABS)plies the brake to any wheel that is slip-may not be able to switch to “2WD" or
"4WD Lock" mode. "AUTO" mode re-
ping, allowing the engine torque to be
When “4WD Lock" mode is active, the mains active.
transferred to the wheels with the most
ABS switches to off-road mode. In this Contact an approved dealer as soon as
grip. This is particularly useful when
case, the wheels may lock intermit-
crossing a bridge. possible.
tently to achieve better grip, thus redu-
cing braking distances on soft ground. All the ESC functions will be reactivated
When this mode is active: when the vehicle speed reaches ap-
– the vehicle’s manoeuvrability is limi-proximately 30 mph (50 km/h) (36 mph
ted during braking. This operating(60 km/h) in 4WD Lock mode), when
mode is therefore not recommended the engine is restarted or when the
in very low-grip conditions (eg. ice).“ESC” button is pressed again.
– there may be some noise. This is
normal, and does not indicate an
operating fault.
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year of production from: 2010
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manual Dacia Duster Dacia Duster owners manual
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