owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2010:
Black plate (107,1)
The system will be released when the door is unlockedType A
WARNING: with the remote controller or the Intelligent Key GUID-8CB9E161-9B10-4650-98F7-84581649B81F
“UNLOCK” button or the request switch. Tolockthedriver’s door or passenger’s door, insert the
. Always look before opening any doors, to key to the door cylinder located on the driver’s or
avoid an accident with oncoming traffic. The Super Lock System will not activate when the passenger’s side door and turn the key to the front of
. Never leave children or adults who would doors are locked with the power door lock switch orthe vehicle *1 .
normally require the support of others alone mechanical key. For locking the back door, see “Opening back door”
in the vehicle. They could unknowingly (P.3-20).
Emergency situations
activate switches or controls and inadver- GUID-8B35ECC9-0AE2-4F8F-841D-CCDA128D8269To unlock the driver’s door or passenger’s door, turn
tently becomeinvolvedinaseriousaccident. If the Super Lock System is activated due to a traffic
the key to the rear of the vehicle2.
accident or other unexpected circumstances while you *
SUPER LOCK SYSTEM (if equipped) are in the vehicle: For unlocking the back door, see “Opening back door”
GUID-AFBA3BDB-9E0B-427E-B8A0-660FF4EFB498 (P.3-20).
. Place the ignition switch to the “ON” position, the
WARNING: Super Lock System will be released and all theType B
ForSuperLockSystemequippedmodels,failure doors can be unlocked with the power door lock GUID-9E8AC10A-995F-42DA-B697-BFF5D1FECBEC
switch. You can then open the doors. To lock the door, insert the key to the door key cylinder
to follow the precautions below may lead to located on the driver’s side door, and turn the key to
hazardous situations. Make sure the Super Lock . Unlock the door using the remote controller or thethe front of the vehicle *1 . All doors including the
System activation is always safely conducted. Intelligent Key. The Super Lock System will beback door will lock.
released and you can open the door.
. Whenthevehicleisoccupied, never lock the To unlock the door, turn the key to the rear of the
doors with the remote keyless entry system LOCKING WITH KEY vehicle *2 . All doors including the back door will
or the Intelligent Key system. Doing so will GUID-B2AC1AF0-4BE8-4D1F-BA75-47A10861C73D
trap the occupants, since the Super Lock
System prevents the doors from being Type C GUID-1EFB0D81-BC33-4EC1-BADB-E1D55DA37E3E
opened from the inside of the vehicle. To lock the driver’s door, insert the key to the door
. Only operate the remote controller or the cylinder located on the driver’s side door and turn the
Intelligent Key lock button when there is a key to the front of the vehicle *1 .
clear view of the vehicle. This is to prevent For locking other doors, use the power door lock
anybody from being trapped inside the switch. (See “Locking with power door lock switch”
vehicle through the Supper Lock System (P.3-6).)
activation. To unlock the driver’s door, turn the key to the rear of
Locking the doors with the remote controller or the SPA2770 the vehicle *2 .
Intelligent Key “LOCK” button or the request For unlocking other doors, use the power door lock
switch will lock all doors and activate the Super Lock switch. (See “Locking with power door lock switch”
System. (P.3-6).)
This means that none of the doors can be opened from
the inside in order to prevent theft.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-5
Condition: [ Edit: 2013/ 2/ 25Model: K13-A ]

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