owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 106
Controls Climate
Comfortable interior climate Maximum cooling
For almost all conditions, the AUTO program 4
Press the button.
offers the optimum air distribution and air flow
The system is set to the lowest temѪ
rate, refer to AUTO program below. Select a
perature, maximum air volume and recirculated-
comfortable interior temperature only.
air mode.
The following sections contain more detailed inѪ
formation on the available setting options.Air flows out of the vents for the upper body reѪ
gion. Open them for this purpose.
Most of these settings are stored for the remote
control currently in use, Personal Profile setѪAir is cooled as quickly as possible:
tings, refer to page 31.
▷ At an external temperature of approx.
32 ℉/0 ℃.
Manual air distribution
▷ When the engine is running.
Press the buttons repeatedly to select a proѪ
AUTO program
▷ Windows.
Press the button.
Air volume, air distribution, and temѪ
▷ Upper body region.
perature are controlled automatically.
▷ Footwell. Depending on the selected temperature, AUTO
intensity, and outside influences, the air is diѪ
rected to the windshield, side windows, upper
The programs can be combined as necessary.
body, and into the footwell.
Temperature The cooling function is switched on automatiѪ
cally with the AUTO program.
Turn the wheel to set the desired
At the same time, a condensation sensor conѪ
trols the program in such a way that window
The automatic climate control
condensation is prevented as much as possible.
achieves this temperature as
To switch off the program: press the button
quickly as possible, if necessary
again or manually adjust the air distribution.
with the maximum cooling or heating capacity,
and then keeps it constant.
Intensity of the AUTO program
Avoid rapidly switching between different temѪ
With the AUTO program switched on, automatic
perature settings. The automatic climate control
control of the air volume and air distribution can
will not have sufficient time to adjust the set
be adjusted.
Press the left or right side of the button:
Maximum heating power can be obtained with
decrease or increase the intensity.
the highest setting, regardless of the external
The selected intensity is shown on the display
At the lowest setting, cooling is continuous, reѪof the automatic climate control.
gardless of the external temperature.
Air volume, manual
To be able to manually adjust the air volume,
switch off the AUTO program first.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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