owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
programmed HomeLink button - re-7. Quickly within 30 seconds of pushing tinuetopushandholdtheHomeLink but-
leasing when the device begins to acti-and releasing the garage door opener ton (note steps 2 through 4 under “Pro-
vate. program button, firmly push and re- gramming HomeLink ”) while you push
5. If the indicator light on the HomeLinkleasetheHomeLink buttonyou’vejustandre-push(“cycle”)yourhand-heldtrans-
blinks rapidly for two seconds and thenprogrammed. Push and release the mitter every 2 seconds until the indicator
HomeLink button up to three times tolight flashes rapidly (indicating successful
turns solid, HomeLink haspickedupacompletethetraining. programming).
“rolling code” garage door opener NOTE:
signal. You will need to proceed with 8. Your HomeLink button should now be
the next steps to train the HomeLinkprogrammed. (To program the re- If programming a garage door opener,
to complete the programming whichmaining HomeLink buttons for addi-etc., it is advised to unplug the device dur-
may require a ladder and anothertional door or gate openers, follow ing the “cycling” process to prevent pos-
personforconvenience. steps2-8only.) sible damage to the garage door opener
6. Pushandreleasethetrainingbuttonlo-NOTE: components.
cated on the garage door opener’s DonotrepeatsteponeunlessyouwanttoOPERATINGTHEHomeLink
motor to activate the “training mode”. “clear”allpreviouslyprogrammed UNIVERSALTRANSCEIVER
This button is usually located near theHomeLink buttons).The HomeLink Universal Transceiver
antennawirethathangsdownfromthe (once programmed) may now be used to
motor.IfthewireoriginatesfromunderIf you haveanyquestionsorarehavingdif-activate the garage door, etc. To operate,
alightlens,youwillneedtoremovetheficulty programming your HomeLinkbut-simply push the appropriate programmed
lens to access the training button.tons, please refer to the HomeLink webHomeLink Universal Transceiver button.
site at: www.homelink.com or call 1-800-
NOTE: 355-3515. The red indicator light will illuminate while
Once you have pushed and released the thesignalisbeingtransmitted.
Training button on the garage door open- PROGRAMMING HomeLink FORPROGRAMMINGTROUBLE
er’s motor and the “training light” is lit, CANADIAN CUSTOMERSDIAGNOSIS
you have 30 seconds in which to perform Prior to 1992, D.O.C. regulations required If the HomeLink does not quickly learn
step7.Usethehelpofasecondpersonforhand-held transmitters to stop transmit-thehand-heldtransmitterinformation:
convenience to assist when performing ting after 2 seconds. To program your
this step. hand-held transmitter to HomeLink, con-O replace the hand-held transmitter bat-
2-48 Instrumentsandcontrols

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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