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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC90, year of production 2015:
products alike. As a consequence, its mainotherwise stated in the file in its original,of source code must retain this license file
points are that: o We dont promise that thisunmodified form as distributed in the original(licence.txt) unaltered; any additions,
software works. However, we are bearchive. If you are unsure whether or not adeletions or changes to the original files
interested in any kind of bug reports. (as isparticular file is covered by this license, youmust be clearly indicated in accompanying
distribution) o You can use this software formust contact us to verify this. The FreeTypedocumentation. The copyright notices of the
whatever you want, in parts or full form,project is copyright (C) 1996-1999 by Davidunaltered, original files must be preserved in
without having to pay us. (royalty-freeTurner, Robert Wilhelm, and Wernerall copies of source files. o Redistribution in
usage) o You may not pretend that you wroteLemberg. All rights reserved except asbinary form must provide a disclaimer that
this software. If you use it, or only parts of it,specified below. 1. No Warranty THEstates that the software is based in part of
in a program, you must acknowledgeFREETYPE ARCHIVE IS PROVIDED AS ISthe work of the FreeType Team, in the
somewhere in your documentation thatWITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,distribution documentation. We also
youve used the FreeType code. (credits)EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,encourage you to put an URL to the
We specifically permit and encourage theINCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,FreeType web page in your documentation,
inclusion of this software, with or withoutWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDthough this isnt mandatory. These conditions
modifications, in commercial products,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.apply to any software derived from or based
provided that all warranty or liability claimsIN NO EVENT WILL ANY OF THEon the FreeType code, not just the
are assumed by the product vendor. LegalAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BEunmodified files. If you use our work, you
Terms 0. Definitions Throughout this license,LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BYmust acknowledge us. However, no fee need
the terms package, FreeType Project, andTHE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE, OFbe paid to us.
FreeType archive refer to the set of filesTHE FREETYPE PROJECT. As you have not3.Advertising The names of FreeTypes authors
originally distributed by the authors (Davidsigned this license, you are not required toand contributors may not be used to endorse
Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werneraccept it. However, as the FreeType projector promote products derived from this
Lemberg) as the FreeType project, be theyis copyrighted material, only this license, orsoftware without specific prior written
named as alpha, beta or final release. Youanother one contracted with the authors,permission. We suggest, but do not require,
refers to the licensee, or person using thegrants you the right to use, distribute, andthat you use one or more of the following
project, where using is a generic termmodify it. Therefore, by using, distributing, orphrases to refer to this software in your
including compiling the projects source codemodifying the FreeType project, you indicatedocumentation or advertising materials:
as well as linking it to form a program orthat you understand and accept all the termsFreeType Project, FreeType Engine,
executable. This program is referred to as aof this license.FreeType library, or FreeType Distribution.
program using the FreeType engine. This2.Redistribution Redistribution and use in4.Contacts There are two mailing lists related
license applies to all files distributed in thesource and binary forms, with or withoutto FreeType: o freetype@freetype.org
original FreeType archive, including all sourcemodification, are permitted provided that theDiscusses general use and applications of
code, binaries and documentation, unlessfollowing conditions are met: o RedistributionFreeType, as well as future and wanted
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