owners manual Opel Insignia
owners manual Opel Insignia - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Opel Insignia manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Insignia, year of production 2008 - 2017:
Speech recognition105
To be able to enter voiceNote most important commands currently
commands in English, you firstIf you change the language shownavailable is shown on the display, see
need to activate the phone mainon the Infotainment system's"Help menus" further below.
menu by pressing the PHONEdisplay, all names currently
As soon as the speech recognition is
button on the Infotainment system,assigned to preset stations and/or
ready for voice input, a beep is heard
and then activate the speechdestination addresses will be
and the red coloured symbol in the
recognition of the phone portal bydeleted.
upper right corner of the help menu
pressing the button w on the
changes to grey colour.
steering wheel.
Navigation control You can now say a voice command to
■ Speech recognition of the
directly initiate a system function (like
navigation system: if the currently
General informationplaying a preset radio station), or to
selected language for the display is
The speech recognition of thestart a dialogue sequence with
not supported by the speech
navigation system (only Navi 900;several dialogue steps (like entering
recognition, speech recognition will
inclusive audio system features) onlya destination address), see
not be available.
works if a map SD card with speech"Operation via voice commands"
In such a case you need to selectrecognition data is inserted 3 98.further below.
another language for the display if
Navigation-related voice commandsAfter a dialogue sequence is finished,
you want to control the Infotainment
are not available until the initialthe speech recognition is deactivated
system via voice commands:
disclaimer message has beenautomatically. To initiate another
Press the CONFIG button, selectconfirmed.dialogue sequence, you need to
the Languages menu item and then activate the speech recognition
select, e.g, English.Activating speech recognitionagain.
Press the button w on the steering
As the English language is one of
Adjusting the volume for voice
the languages supported by the
output messages
speech recognition of the
The audio system mutes, a voice
Turn the volume knob on the
navigation system, speech
output message prompts you to say
Infotainment system, or press the + or
recognition will then be available.
a command, and a help menu with the
― button on the steering wheel.

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year of production from: 2008

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Opel Insignia manual
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