owners manual Mercedes GL
owners manual Mercedes GL - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GL, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Safety and Security
Driving safety systems
Driving safety systems
In this section you will find information on Warning! G ABS
the following driving safety systems:
ABS (Antilock Brake System) The following factors increase the risk of Warning! G
BAS (Brake Assist System) accidents:
® Excessive speed, especially in turnsDo not pump the brake pedal. Use firm,
ESP (Electronic Stability Program) steady brake pedal pressure instead. Pump-
EBP (Electronic Brake Proportioning) Wet and slippery road surfaces ing the brake pedal defeats the purpose of
4-ETS (Electronic Traction System) Following another vehicle too closelythe ABS and significantly reduces braking
The driving safety systems described in this effectiveness.
section cannot reduce these risks or pre-
vent the natural laws of physics from acting The Antilock Brake System (ABS) regulates
on the vehicle. the brake pressure so that the wheels do
Always adapt your driving style to the pre-not lock during braking. This allows you to
vailing road and weather conditions and maintain the ability to steer your vehicle.
keep a safe distance to other road users and The ABS is functional above a speed of ap-
objects in the street. proximately 5 mph (8 km/h) independent
of road surface conditions.
iIn winter operation, the maximum effective-On slippery road surfaces, the ABS will
ness of the ABS, the BAS, the ESP®, the EBP, and respond even to light brake pressure.
the 4-ETS is only achieved with winter tires
(page420) or snow chains as required.The -indicator lamp in the instrument
cluster (
page26) comes on when you
switch on the ignition. It goes out when the
engine is running.
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year of production from: 2006
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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