owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
For additional information, see “User set up menu”Emergency broadcast interrupt functionannouncements. Pressing the TA button will ac-
later in this section for how to switch this mode on[ALARMINTERRUPTION–EBUtivate the TA mode and the indicator changes
or off. (European Broadcasting Union) SPECfromTtoTA.
The following functions operate when the AF modeFORINFO] NOTE
is on: When the radio receives PTY code 31 (an emer-TheTAmodeoperatesregardlessofwhetherthe
Automatic switching function gency broadcast code), the sound is interrupted,AFmodeisonoroff.
This function compares the strengths of the signalsthe emergency broadcast is heard, and ALARM isTraffic announcement interrupt function
and selects the station with the optimum receptiondisplayed. Once the emergency broadcast is fin-
conditions. ished, the unit immediately returns to the previousWhen a traffic announcement is received, the an-
source. nouncementistunedinandthevolumeincreasesto
Enhanced Other Network (EON) dataREG(Regional) mode the set level. TRAFFIC is displayed and the TA indi-
update (this function also operates when cator blinks.
the AF mode is off.) Whenthe REG mode is activated in the FM wave-Once the traffic announcement is finished, the unit
WhenEONdataisbeingreceived,thisenables au-band and the radio receiver is tuned to a regionalreturns to the source which was set before the traf-
tomaticretuningofotherpresetstationsonthesameradio station which is transmitting local (regional)fic announcementstarted,andthevolumereturnsto
network. Also, network linked services can be usedprogrammes, then it will keep receiving this radiothe previous level. For EON stations, the radio is
such as traffic announcement. EON indicator lightsstation without switching to another regional station.interrupted by another EON station with traffic an-
up when receiving RDS EON stations in the FMFor additional information, see “User set up menu”nouncements.
waveband. later in this section for how to de/activate this mode.
Traffic announcement (TA) The traffic announcement interrupt mode is can-
Programme Service (PS) function celled if the TA, BAND or SRC button is pressed
(station name display function)This function operates in both the FM (radio) andduring a traffic announcement. The TA mode re-
the CD modes. turns to the standby mode.
WhenanRDSstationistunedinwithseekormanual• TheTAmodeisselected when the TA button isVolume level for traffic announcements
tuning, the programme station name will be dis-pressed. The TA indicator is displayed in the TA
played immediately after receiving the RDS data.ONmode. Thevolumefortraffic announcements can be set as
described in the “User set up menu” later in this
• WhentheTAmodebuttonispressedagain,thesection.
mode will be switched off and TA indicator dis-NEWSmode
appears from the display.
• Whenthe TA mode is not activated, a T-indica-ToenableordisablethenewsmodeintheFMband,
tor appears on the display, indicating that thepress thebutton. When the news mode is
currentradiostationbroadcaststrafficenabled, the NEWS icon will be displayed.
4-20 Heater and air conditioner, and audio system

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year of production from: 2006

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