owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
1. Push to select AM, FM1, or FM2. The se-CAUTIONthe CD advances one selection. (When the last
lected band illuminates in the display. selectiononthecompactdiscisskipped,thefirst
2. Tune to the desired station.Do not force a compact disc into the CDselection is played.)
insert slot. This could damage the CDWhenthebutton is pushed, the selection
3. Push the desired station select button forand/or CD changer/player.being played returns to the beginning. Push
more than 1.5 seconds. For example, in theCDbuttonthebutton several times to skip back sev-
illustrations, ch2 is to be memorized. Theeral selections. Each time the button is pushed,
radio mutes when the select button isWhenthe CD button is pushed with a compactthe CD moves back one selection.
pushed. disc loaded and the radio playing, the radio turnsRepeat/Randombutton
4. Whentheindicatorilluminatesinthedisplayoff and the compact disc starts to play.
andthesoundresumes,memorizingiscom-When this button is pushed while the compactWhen thebutton is pushed while the
plete. disc is playing, the compact disc stops playing.compactdiscisplaying,theplaypatternchanges
5. Other station select buttons can be set inFF (Fast Forward), REWas follows:
the same manner. (Rewind) buttons1: The current selection is repeated.
If the battery cable is disconnected, or if the radioWhentheorbuttonispushedwhileRANDOM:Selectionsareplayedatrandom,not
fuseopens,theradiomemoryiscanceled.Inthatthe compact disc is playing, the compact discfollowingthesequenceonthecompactdisc.The
case, reset the desired stations.playsatanincreasedspeedwhilefastforwardingsameprogrammayberepeatedtwice.
Compactdisc(CD)player operationor rewinding. When the button is released, theNormal(nosymbol):Allselectionsareplayedin
compact disc returns to normal play speed.sequence.
Turn the ignition key to the ACC or ON position,APS(AutomaticProgramWhen a new compact disc is inserted, the
andcarefullyinsertthecompactdiscintotheslotSearch) FF, APS REWplay pattern automatically changes to the
with the label side up. The compact disc is auto-Whenthebuttonispushedwhilethecom-“Normal”play pattern.
matically pulled into the slot and starts to play.pact disc is playing, the selection following the
If the radio is already operating, it automaticallypresent one starts to play from the beginning.
turns off and the compact disc begins to play.Pushthebutton several times to skip sev-
eral selections. Each time the button is pushed,
Heater, air conditioner and audio systems 4-15
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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