owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
key numbers so it is very important to keep track
of your key number plate.
A key number is only necessary when you have
lost all keys and do not have one to duplicate
from. If you still have a key, your NISSAN dealer
can duplicate it.
You can only drive your vehicle using the master
key which is registered to the NISSAN Vehicle
Immobilizer System components in your vehicle.
This key has a transponder chip in the key head.
LPD0348 LPD2045The master key can be used for all the locks.
Type A (if so equipped) Type B—Remotekeylessentry key fob
1. Master key (if so equipped) Never leave these keys in the vehicle.
2. Transponder chip 1. Integrated door lock key fobAdditional or replacement keys:
3. Key number plate 2. Key number plate If you still have a key, the key number is not
A key number plate is supplied with your keys.CAUTION necessary when you need extra NISSAN Vehicle
Recordthekeynumberandkeepitinasafeplace Immobilizer System keys. Your dealer can dupli-
(suchasyourwallet),notinthevehicle.IfyouloseDo not leave the ignition key inside thecate your existing key. As many as 5 NISSAN
yourkeys,seeaNISSANdealerforduplicatesbyvehicle when you leave the vehicle.Vehicle Immobilizer System keys can be used
using the key number. NISSAN does not recordA key number plate is supplied with your keys.with one vehicle. You should bring all NISSAN
key numbers so it is very important to keep track Vehicle Immobilizer System keys that you have to
of your key number plate. Recordthekeynumberandkeepitinasafeplaceyour NISSAN dealer for registration. This is be-
A key number is only necessary when you have(suchasyourwallet),notinthevehicle.Ifyoulosecause the registration process will erase the
lost all your keys. If you still have a key, youryourkeys,seeaNISSANdealerforduplicatesbymemory of all key codes previously registered
NISSANdealercanduplicate it. using the key number. NISSAN does not recordinto the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System.
3-2 Pre-driving checks and adjustments

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year of production from: 2013

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