owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
pletely normal in a given reception area,position, usually in conjunction with in-
RADIO and do not indicate any malfunction in yourcreased distance from the station transmit-
Turn the ignition key to ACC or ON andNISSAN radio system.ter, static or flutter can be heard. This can
press the power on switch to turn on theReception conditions will constantly changebe reduced by adjusting the treble control
radio. If you listen to the radio with thebecause of vehicle movement. Buildings,counterclockwisetoreduce treble re-
engine not running, the key should beterrain, signal distance and interferencesponse.
turned to the ACC position.from other vehicles can work against idealMultipath reception: Because of the reflec-
Radio reception is affected by station signalreception. Described below are some of thetive characteristics of FM signals, direct and
strength, distance from radio transmitter,factors that can affect your radio reception.reflected signals reach the receiver at the
buildings, bridges, mountains and other ex-FMRADIORECEPTIONsame time. The signals may cancel each
ternal influences. Intermittent changes in other, resulting in momentary flutter or loss
reception quality normally are caused byRange:FMrangeisnormallylimitedto25toof sound.
these external influences. 30 miles (40 to 48 km), with monauralAMRADIORECEPTION
Using a cellular phone in or near the(single channel) FM having slightly more
vehicle may influence radio receptionrange than stereo FM. External influencesAMsignals, because of their low frequency,
quality. may sometimes interfere with FM stationcanbendaroundobjectsandskipalongthe
Radio reception reception even if the FM station is within 25ground. In addition, the signals can be
miles (40 km). The strength of the FM signalbounced off the ionosphere and bent back
YourNISSANradiosystemisequippedwithis directly related to the distance betweento earth. Because of these characteristics.
state-of-the-art electronic circuits to en-the transmitter and receiver. FM signalsAMsignals are also subject to interference
hance radio reception. These circuits arefollow a line-of-sight path, exhibiting manyas they travel from transmitter to receiver.
designed to extend reception range, and toof the same characteristics as light. For
enhance the quality of that reception.example they will reflect off objects.Fading: Occurs while the vehicle is passing
Howevertherearesomegeneralcharacter-Fadeanddrift: As your vehicle moves awaythrough freeway underpasses or in areas
istics of both FM and AM radio signals thatfrom a station transmitter, the signals willwith manytall buildings. It can also occur for
can affect radio reception quality in a mov-tend to fade and/or drift.several seconds during ionospheric turbu-
ing vehicle, even when the finest equipmentStatic and flutter: During signal interference
is used. These characteristics are com-from buildings, large hills or due to antenna
4-10 Heater, air conditioner and audio systems

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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