owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 101
Driving stability control systemsControls
2. Release the foot brake and drive away comes very direct. In the higher speed range,
without delay. on the other hand, the steering angle is reѪ
duced more and more. This improves the hanѪ
Depending on the vehicle load, the vehicle may
dling of your vehicle over the entire speed
roll back slightly.
Driving off without delay
In critical situations, the system can make tarѪ
After releasing the foot brake, start drivѪ
geted corrections to the steering angle proѪ
ing without delay, since the drive-off assistant
vided by the driver and thus stabilize the vehiѪ
will not hold the vehicle in place for more than
cle before the driver intervenes.
approx. 2 seconds and the vehicle will begin
rolling back.◀
The warning lamp lights up yellow
and a message is shown on the ConѪ
Self-leveling suspension
trol Display. The active steering is deѪ
fective or has been temporarily deacѪ
The concept
tivated. At low speeds, greater steering wheel
The self-leveling suspension on the rear axlemovements are required, whereas at higher
assures a continuous ground clearance. speeds, the vehicle reacts more sensitively to
steering wheel movements. The stability-proѪ
To do so, the height of the vehicle is measured
moting intervention can also be deactivated.
by sensors at both rear wheels.
Proceed cautiously and drive defensively.
If the actual height deviates from the defined
height, such as due to cargo in the vehicle, this
difference is compensated very quickly. In adѪDeactivation
dition, spring motions resulting from cornering
Active steering deactivates in order to carry
or irregularities in the road surface are reduced
out an initialization. This deactivation is disѪ
to a minimum.
played by means of a message. The initializaѪ
The system works automatically. tion can take several minutes.
If the message does not disappear during the
current trip, have the system checked.
Malfunctions are displayed via Check Control,
refer to page 76. Defect
In the event of a defect, a corresponding text
message is displayed. Have the system
Active steering checked.
The concept
The active steering actively varies the steering
angle of the front wheels in relation to the
steering wheel movements. In addition, it also
varies the steering force required for steering
depending on the vehicle's speed.
When you are driving in the low speed range,
for instance in a town or when parking, the
steering angle increases, i.e., steering beѪ
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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