owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
03 Your driving environment
HomeLink® Wireless Control System*
NOTE found where the hanging antenna wire iscedures, replace “Programming HomeLink”
Some devices may require you to replaceattached to the motor-head unit.step 2 with the following:
this Programming Step 2 with procedures5.Firmly press and release the “learn” or• Continue to press and hold the HomeLink
noted in the “Gate Operator / Canadian Pro-“smart” button. (The name and color of thebutton while you press and release -
gramming” section. If the HomeLink indica-button may vary by manufacturer.) Thereevery two seconds (“cycle”) your hand-
tor light does not change to a rapidly blink-are 30 seconds to initiate step 6.held transmitter until the HomeLink indica-
ing light after performing these steps, con-6.Return to the vehicle and firmly press, holdtor light changes from a slow to a rapidly03
tact HomeLink at www.homelink.com. blinking light. Now you may release both
for two seconds and release the pro-the HomeLink and hand-held transmitter
3.Firmly press, hold for five seconds andgrammed HomeLink button. Repeat thebuttons.
release the programmed HomeLink but-“press/hold/release” sequence a secondProceed with “Programming” step 3 to com-
ton up to two separate times to activate thetime, and, depending on the brand of theplete.
door. If the door does not activate, pressgarage door opener (or other rolling code
and hold the just-trained HomeLink buttonequipped device), repeat this sequence a
and observe the indicator light.third time to complete the programmingUsing HomeLink
process. To operate, simply press and release the pro-
• If the indicator light stays on con-HomeLink should now activate your rollinggrammed HomeLink button. Activation will
stantly, programming is completecode equipped device.now occur for the trained device (i.e., garage
and your device should activate when door opener, gate operator, security system,
the HomeLink button is pressed andGate Operator/Canadian Programmingentry door lock, home/office lighting, etc.). For
released. Canadian radio-frequency laws require trans-convenience, the hand-held transmitter of the
• If the indicator light blinks rapidly formitter signals to “time-out” (or quit) after sev-device may also be used at any time. In the
two seconds and then turns to a con-eral seconds of transmission – which may notevent that there are still programming difficul-
stant light continue with “Program-be long enough for HomeLink to pick up theties or questions, contact HomeLink at:
ming” steps 4-6 to complete the pro-signal during programming. Similar to thiswww.homelink.com.
gramming of a rolling code equippedCanadian law, some U.S. gate operators are
device (most commonly a garage doordesigned to “time-out” in the same manner.
4.At the garage door opener receiver (motor-If you live in Canada or you are having difficul-
head unit) in the garage, locate the “learn”ties programming a gate operator or garage
or “smart” button. This can usually bedoor opener by using the “Programming” pro-
* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.101

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year of production from: 2007

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