text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC90, year of production 2015:
||THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IFSERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS;products alike. As a consequence, its main
DAMAGE. CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,software works. However, we are be
BSD 2-clause “Simplified” licenseWHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,interested in any kind of bug reports. (as is
OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE ORdistribution) o You can use this software for
Copyright (c) , All rightsOTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OFwhatever you want, in parts or full form,
reserved. THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IFwithout having to pay us. (royalty-free
Redistribution and use in source and binaryADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHusage) o You may not pretend that you wrote
forms, with or without modification, are permittedDAMAGE.this software. If you use it, or only parts of it,
provided that the following conditions are met:The views and conclusions contained in thein a program, you must acknowledge
1.Redistributions of source code must retainsoftware and documentation are those of thesomewhere in your documentation that
the above copyright notice, this list ofauthors and should not be interpreted asyouve used the FreeType code. (credits)
conditions and the following disclaimer.representing official policies, either expressed orWe specifically permit and encourage the
implied, of the FreeBSD Project.inclusion of this software, with or without
2.Redistributions in binary form must modifications, in commercial products,
reproduce the above copyright notice, this listFreeType Project Licenseprovided that all warranty or liability claims
of conditions and the following disclaimer in1.1 Copyright 1996-1999 by David Turner,are assumed by the product vendor. Legal
the documentation and/or other materialsRobert Wilhelm, and Werner LembergTerms 0. Definitions Throughout this license,
provided with the distribution.Introduction The FreeType Project isthe terms package, FreeType Project, and
THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THEdistributed in several archive packages; someFreeType archive refer to the set of files
COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORSof them may contain, in addition to theoriginally distributed by the authors (David
"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDFreeType font engine, various tools andTurner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner
WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDcontributions which rely on, or relate to, theLemberg) as the FreeType project, be they
TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFFreeType Project. This license applies to allnamed as alpha, beta or final release. You
MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORfiles found in such packages, and which dorefers to the licensee, or person using the
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.not fall under their own explicit license. Theproject, where using is a generic term
IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHTlicense affects thus the FreeType fontincluding compiling the projects source code
OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FORengine, the test programs, documentationas well as linking it to form a program or
ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,and makefiles, at the very least. This licenseexecutable. This program is referred to as a
EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESwas inspired by the BSD, Artistic, and IJGprogram using the FreeType engine. This
(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,(Independent JPEG Group) licenses, whichlicense applies to all files distributed in the
PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ORall encourage inclusion and use of freeoriginal FreeType archive, including all source
software in commercial and freewarecode, binaries and documentation, unless
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