owners manual Skoda Fabia
owners manual Skoda Fabia - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Skoda Fabia II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Skoda Fabia, year of production 2007 - 2015:
If the hands-free system announces (as standard SKODA_B0) on the display of Solving connection problems
the mobile phone, enter the PIN within Ęĕ seconds and wait, until the connec-
If the system announces No paired phone found, check the operating state of the
tion is established .
mobile phone.
› After terminating the connection, confirm the creation of a new user profile in
›Is the mobile phone switched on?
the information display.
›Is the PIN code entered?
If there is no free space available to create a new user profile, delete an existing ›Is Bluetooth active?
user profile. ›Is the visibility of the mobile phone active?
›Has the mobile phone already been paired with the hands-free system?
During the connecting procedure, no other mobile phone may be connected with
the hands-free system.
1p to four mobile phones can be paired with the hands-free system, whereby on-
■ If a suitable adapter is available for your mobile phone, only use your mobile
ly one mobile phone can communicate with the hands-free system.
phone in the adapter inserted in the telephone mount so that the radiation in the
0he visibility of the hands-free system is automatically switched off Ę minutes af-
vehicle drops to a minimum.
ter the ignition is switched on and is also deactivated when the mobile phone has
■ Placing the mobile phone in the adapter inserted in the telephone mount en-
connected to the hands-free system.
sures optimum sending and receiving power.
Restoring the visibility of the hands-free system
If you have not managed to connect your mobile phone with the hands-free sys-
Symbols in the information display
tem within Ę minutes of switching on the ignition, the visibility of the hands-free
system can be reestablished for Ę minutes in the following ways.
Symbol Importance
›By turning the ignition off and on.
Charge status of the phone battery
›By turning voice control off and on.
2ia the information display in the menu item Bluetooth - 2isibility. Signal strength
a phone is connected to the hands-free system.
Creating a connection with an already paired mobile phone
0he hands-free system is visible to other devices.
After switching on the ignition, the connection is automatically established for
the already paired mobile phone . Check on your mobile phone if the automatic
A multimedia unit is connected to the hands-free system.
connection has been established.
a) Ð
0his function is only supported by some mobile phones.
Disconnecting the connection
›By withdrawing the ignition key.
›By disconnecting the hands-free system in the mobile phone.
›By disconnecting the user in the information display in the menu Bluetooth -
Ė) ®
Depending on the Bluetooth version on the mobile phone, an automatically generated ě-digit PIN is
either displayed or the PIN ĖėĘę has to be entered manually.
ė) ®
Some mobile phones have a menu, in which the authorisation for establishing a Bluetooth connec-
tion is completed by inputting a code. If the authorisation input is required, it must always be per-
formed when re-establishing the Bluetooth connection.
Ğĝ 1sing the system
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year of production from: 2007
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